Severe ME/CFS:
A Guide to Living

By Emily Collingridge

Price: £9.25 (Inc UK p&p)

About the Book

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  • “Washing makes me feel ill; what should I do?”
  • “I’m struggling to eat; how can I avoid malnutrition?”
  • “My medical team doesn’t know anything about severe ME; how can I get them to understand?”
  • “Some of my symptoms are very frightening; what can I do about them?”
  • “I’m finding basic daily activities really difficult; is there any equipment that could help me?”
  • “I’m depressed; how can I improve my quality of life?”
  • “I don’t have enough care; is there anyone who can help?”
  • “I’ve lost my speech; how can I communicate?”

Patients with very severe ME have innumerable questions about how to cope with their situation and often have nowhere to turn for appropriate help.  This guide sets out to answer as many of those questions as possible.  The advice is based on the collective experiences of patients, carers and professionals and covers a huge variety of topics including personal care, mobility, symptom and activity management, hospital admission, tube feeding, emotions and entertainment.

The guide is designed to be a definitive reference tool for anyone whose life is affected by severe ME, whether personally or professionally.  It covers numerous medications, types of equipment and other tools for helping patients with ME and those who care for them.  Whatever the crisis, it is hoped that a patient of any age will find reassurance and coping strategies within the pages of this guide.  In addition to detailed advice the guide provides contact details for a wide range of organisations and companies that may be of use to patients and specific information for many different professionals. It is the first comprehensive book to be created for patients with severe ME and has been praised highly by patients, carers and professionals alike.

View the contents pages (PDF 700Kb) of “Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living”
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